About Us

About Aswein Foundation

ASWEIN FOUNDATION is corporate social responsibility arm of AIHMS, that aims to bring desired change in the lives of people at the grassroot and mid segment level by means of working on areas of health, education and well being of population at large. The mission of the trust is to make individuals successful in their lives by means of encouraging the will among the marginalised for a better life by collaborative efforts, developing innovative and economic solutions to the issues concerned using the wide network of the good samaritarians across the globe. This is planned to be achieved through a concerted and collaborative consultations with multiple stakeholders including Indian and international academia, research organizations, governments, civil society groups etc. AF aims to strengthen the Public Health area by running specified programs, training and research in this complex field.

Speaheaded by a team of doctors, social workers, community health speacialists and management professionals, Aswein Foundation wants to bring about real change in the lives of the marginalised and mid-segment population who irrespective of having talent suffer due to the lack of resources.


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